This generation is often labeled lazy, soft and unnervingly entitled.  But few say they have no talent.  Many in this generation carry the ‘multi-hyphenate’ that is, they actively pursue numerous talents and skills all at once, hence the multiple hyphens to describe their professions. They clearly want to  fully experience the world as multifaceted beings. That’s not a bad thing, and perhaps something we should all strive for in a post pandemic world. Here are some reasons why we should all seek to be multi-hyphenated in our skills set.

A multi-hyphenated individually is likely to be more content and feel more fulfilled in life. Research shows people who have more than one passion experience better well-being and happiness than those having only one. Doing one thing that you love may bring satisfaction, but doing two may get you greater accomplishment and gratification. We can safely assume that multi-hyphenated individuals find freedom to do more in their professional career and are more fulfilled.

Professionals with multiple talents certainly get more job opportunities and are more likely to be hired. In a digital era, companies see greater benefit in hiring employees who can wear several hats. According to the research, young people in the work force prefer employment that lets them experiment with multiple skill sets and positions.

The multi-hyphenate individual is also likely to have multiple income streams. A copywriter at a marketing agency, for instance, may be also enthusiastic about graphic design. On her own time she might free-lance in that field to supplement her income. Some studies suggests that varying your income streams might help you become more fiscally sound.

The downside of the multi-hyphenate is that you run the risk of being a jack of all trades and a master of none. Acquiring multiple skills or following many callings could leave you less qualified than those who choose to concentrate on a singular interest. Lately, however, some have added a phrase to the original: “… yet often better than a master of one." That may simply be a bold attempt to justify the multi-hyphenate tag, or, perhaps, to come to terms with new survival realities.