

Water is life! That means it’s a commodity we need to survive. So how are we coping in Jamaica with these eternal lock offs? Some people have been without water for months, which, in many ways, is a crisis if no one else is saying so! Our personal hygiene is taking a hit. We must feel sorry for those who have to get close to others in a taxi or public... Read More


If any young Jamaican girls still doubt that they can compete in sports internationally and still get good grades, they only have to look at the Reggae Girlz for motivation. Like the Reggae Boyz in 1998, France will host the Reggae Girlz as Jamaica qualifies for FIFA Women’s World cup for the first time. This Wednesday the Girlz are playing Panama in a friendly at... Read More


Let's be honest, you probably don't call your mother as often as you should. I bet you get those texts that say, "You remember me? Still love You, Mom." You might live far away, or are just too preoccupied with work and your social life to spend time with the woman who raised you. But Mother's Day is here and it’s your chance for redemption. 


An almost month-long series of soca fetes, concerts, and street culminates with revellers, clad in elaborate costumes, parading in an around the Kingston metropolitan area.
This weekend (April 26- April 28) is no doubt dedicated to all things road march and carnival.
But if you aren’t in the mood to wine up a storm – we’ve got you... Read More

Work that body for Jamaica Carnival!

This time of year, many Jamaicans are trying to sculpt that “Carnival Body”. Using fitness, diet, supplements and sleep, those with a passion for carnival aim to look and feel their best, whatever their body type. Having a carnival body means you have the stamina to handle the parade on Sunday, April 28th 2019.

Sushi Comes To Kingston

Who knew that sushi would become popular dish in Jamaica? Well, in recent years, the number of Japanese restaurants have grown as Jamaicans get adventurous with their palette. If you’re looking to get your fix of rice and raw seafood, consider these five sushi restaurants in Kingston.

Ten Commandments of Jamaican Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner can be a contentious time for many. Here are a few golden rules to ease the stress.

Thou shall not arrive before the agreed time.

There is no reason for you to go and sit in someone’s house, family or not from 2 pm. A rule of thumb in Jamaica is to be about 20 minutes late, that way you are right on time.

The Spice Of Life

Why are people just noticing that Spice is a superstar?

The Dancehall Queen has been around for years, churning out hit songs, captivating music videos and influencing dancehall fashion with her particularly flamboyant styles.

So, why are people now seeing her as larger than life?

5 Lovely Jamaican Beaches that are still free

Whether it is to unwind and soak up some sun, chill with friends or enjoy a family day, Jamaicans love the beach. But these days some beaches are charging for use, and it has upset many people. So, instead of paying to visit Puerto Seco and other privately-owned beaches, we offer 5 beautiful beaches you can visit free!

Yes, Everyone Needs Sunscreen

No matter what your skin type, you need protection from the sun. It’s even more critical on this island of sunshine and especially now, at the peak of summer when the sun is at its hottest.

As it turns out, sunscreen is actually super important for you. Let’s explain why.