Our pandemic salute this month goes to Randy Griffiths, who awarded a four-year scholarship and tablet computer to high schooler Avatar Muschett, after learning about the student’s plight.
Uber in Jamaica brings mixed emotions, from excitement among commuters to outrage from the Transport Authority and others. The extreme reactions prompted the government to raise the topic in Parliament a week after Uber said it had begun operations.
Between 2020 and 2021 social media use by Jamaicans jumped by more than 200,000, to roughly 1.50 million. That has forced businesses to step outside their usual means of reaching customers. In this Covid-19 era, businesses have to be really smart about where and when they promote. For social media, promotions must be targeted with the right messages and at the... Read More
June is #ReadCaribbean Month. Founded in 2019 by the Jamaican Book of Cinz, the event celebrates our literary contribution by reading books about the Caribbean, by Caribbean authors or set in the region!
Want to participate? Good! Prips invites you to enjoy these 4 books by Caribbean-born writers.
Jamaica is track and field country. Perhaps that’s why Champs (the ISSA Boys and Girls Championships) is the most anticipated athletic event. It’s our chance to see the athletes who will solidify their place in our history books and those who may find glory on the world stage.
We use the internet to do a lot, for work, business, fun and life. Spending so much time online should prompt us to consider best practices for good net citizens. Let’s call them 'Internet Etiquette'. Our list isn’t exhaustive, but we humbly offer a few that could make your online life easier:
A scary scenario: You're locked in a room with a very venomous snake coiled to strike. Suddenly, a table appears with a bottle labelled “Drink me to cut the chances of the snake biting you from 100% to 25%”. Would you drink it or take your chances with the reptile?
1. Structure
Creating structure is perhaps the most effective way to help your child learn remotely, especially in a pandemic that has brought much uncertainty. Structure helps them organize their learning as they would in a face-to-face setting. Easy ways to create structure include setting a schedule or creating a daily plan while still encouraging self-... Read More
Exploring the island these days is a navigation of protocols, huge anxiety and the foreboding sense that perhaps you really shouldn’t be travelling. But the itch just to see somewhere new or remember the ocean still exists are powerful motivators. We also believe you can have some nice drives in an afternoon of safe adventure.
Papine to Blue Mountains
Exploring the island these days is a navigation of protocols, huge anxiety and the foreboding sense that perhaps you really shouldn’t be travelling. But the itch just to see somewhere new or remember the ocean still exists are powerful motivators. We also believe you can have some nice drives in an afternoon of safe adventure.
Papine to Blue Mountains