
Last Minute Valentine’s Day Tips

Originally a Roman festival, Valentine’s Day is now a day for lovers, and love interests, to profess their heart and deepest feelings to someone special in their life. Unfortunately, there is also an expectation for Valentines to wow their partner with extortionate gifts.

Free and Cheap Ways to Enjoy Jamaica

If the New Year left your funds low, you may want to find inexpensive entertainment until your pocket is full again. To help you out, we thought we’d list a few activities that you can enjoy for little or no money.

The best late-night views of Kingston

Many cities rely on high rise buildings to give a bird’s eye view. But Kingston offers natural beautiful views from its surrounding mountains. From these elevated perches we can enjoy the stunning sunsets and see the city from an entirely different perspective. But you don’t need to drive up to the mountains to get a taste of this high life.

Well-Being in the New Year

As another year passes, people often feel the need to reflect on and sometimes even re-evaluate their lives, setting resolutions New Year resolutions in the hopes of improving their life satisfaction and well-being.

Four ways to actually keep your New Year’s Resolutions

Christmas is over and our sights are now set on 2020. A new year, with new possibilities. It’s the perfect time to think about what you might want to change about your life and which new habits you’d like to start. 

Miss Jamaica World

Much can be said about the triviality of beauty contests, particularly from a second wave feminist perspective: “It objectifies women, it glorifies looks over brains, it’s sexist, racist, a waste of money and resources, a purposeless title.” The list goes on.


You’ve worked hard all year. Now it’s time to kick back and relax for the festive season. But where should you go and celebrate the Christmas holidays? While Jamaica is a top destination for foreigners to spend their Christmas, they’re not the only ones who can enjoy the delights the island has to offer.


Not everybody finds it easy to get into the holiday spirit leading up to Christmas. Some people simply don’t enjoy the silly season. Others actually get depressed amidst all the fun. Well, we want you to enjoy yourself and find ways to make merry. So, we’ve compiled a list of Prips approved activities to get you feeling festive. 

5 Christmas Gift Ideas

With Christmas just around the corner, we’re sure gift shopping is at the top of your priority list these days. But if you’re stressing and need a few ideas about what to get those few people on your list who are difficult to shop for, we’ve got you covered with some neat ideas that might have slipped your mind in all the shopping chaos.

The Best Diving Spots In Jamaica

Jamaica boasts some of the most incredible beaches. But although we are islanders, many of us are landlubbers, not too curious about what’s under the surface. Well, we are tempted to say that sea and sand can hardly match what’s underwater.